Life has been so hectic in the last 3-4 months. Not only are there issues at work with tackling new technology, grooming/getting work done from relatively fresh people to deliver as well as get a good rappot with them and, delivering results on time, there are also the personal issues of not spending much time with people you care for, invest time in the house I'm building and having my personal life and hobbies in complete disarray. The few events that took place on the way are getting US visas for Payal and me, getting the housing loan approved and being in the good books of my entire team (the last one is my assessment). And yes by the way, I also managed to land up in San Diego (not to mention that I am eagerly waiting for Payal to join me this weekend to start enjoying).
US is a strange country (perfectly normal to the poeple here I'm sure) with a lot of differences where I come from. Will Blog more on my experiences soon to prove this point.