Finally the much awaited long weekend after the tensions of 3GToday started. Ideally I would like to have a peaceful weekend of not doing any hard-work, enjoy life and just laze around. Plans are for Sea-World on saturday, loaf around and grocery on Sunaday and take Monday entirely peacefully. Would like to play some tennis over the weekend (my first tennis in more tha 3 months). The hectic schedules of 3Gtoday started last december, right after my vacation and gradually ramped up to hectic frenzy that concluded this week with the site going live. Everyday was filled with calls, bug fixes and having to convince the client the reason why something was not do-able. But in all, a super learning and fun project it has been. But hey, I still would be cautious to ask for another one like this. At the end of this project my earnings are: pride of having helped some team members to improve, learnings of handling client and situations, learnings of portal and portlets (including JSF) and having fun in the face of tension. My weaknesses exposed (hey PM if you are reading this, you shouldn't be using it against me in my evaluation) are: lesser patience, losing sight of work priority to the ambitious heart of doing a lot of stuff and ability to multi-task among highly asking projects. But then overall, my balance sheet is still profitable and would like to invest the profits in the long weekend!!