Thursday, December 30, 2004

Important Management Lesson

The best managment lesson I've learnt and managed to apply in most places is - "Listen to people". The catch behind the listen to poeple is not just to hear them out before you can start replying, but the skill lies in the fact that the reply should not be formulated while you are listening and only after you have heard the person completely. Why you might ask? Some of us are so caught up in the idea that we should give quick solutions that we might solve the immediate problem being heard, but might fail to eliminate the root cause. And in not way does a quick reply raise the caliberation of a person as a good manger/leader!! And the better part to it is that employee loyalty is ensured for a longer time. So my year resolution is going to be a better ................... any ideas?? Well better Manager :-)
And hey, wishing everyone a happy, safe and successful year in 2005!!