Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tensions - 1

Life goes on and throws it's colourful antics every moment as it passes. Currently, married to a project that puts me in a peculiar situation. It does not allow me time for anything else. If I do take a time out, then it goes into a hyper-active mode, else I'm shown bad on all other projects. Role play in theory as a PM, unskilled worker activity in actual!! Stagnant in the actual role play and it's frustrating that I'm stuck in a place that drains my energy and still makes me look bad!! Do I enjoy what I'm doing?? Well to be honest I like being in the stress and fighting it out, else I'm bored. From everyone else's point-of-view, I'm not not achieveing anything - pressure from the family at this point!! Everyone else is moving higher and I'm stuck at in a place with no actual growth :(

What am I currently doing you ask? Well enjoying what I'm doing for now and there are no other pressing issues that need to worry me. But tensions, well I sort of am loving them - kind of have to have them but cannot bear them!!