Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year and Resolutions

I have a theme that I try to strictly follow for the new year - sleep through the new year's eve and hope that you can sleep that well every night for the next year. Of course, I have never validated that ever, but it gives me a sense of security every year! As for resolutions, I remember having given it up a few years ago. For most part, all of them were the same - lose weight, make more money and spend them more happily. But this year, I decided to do a few things different - try to be a better person. You may want to call it a resolution, but for me this was path on which I embarked ever since I moved to Atlanta from San Diego (just needed a significant change to "time-stamp" a cause in my life). All these days, I was chasing the silly dream of being a perfectionist at work till it dawned that a) it was limited to the group that I am working in b) it was like a magnificent flower in a pool of dirt (depicting everything in life I did not have time for). Don't get me wrong, I loved the challenges en route to that goal and loved every minute of it (even though I would not say I succeeded in reaching it), just that it did not give me the peace of mind I wanted all round.
So, I decided that I wanted to be a better person - a better father, a better husband, a better son, a better friend while also being a better worker and in being all this, I do not want one to supersede the other. Sure, I may not succeed in everything, but I will try and do justice as much to ensure that I can be at peace.